

Program and Schedule (PDF)

Information Hiding 2010, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Sunday, June 27th 2010 @ Hotel Alma

6PM - 9PM: Welcome Reception at Senate Room at Hotel Alma

Monday June 28th 2010 @ ICT 122

8:00AM - 8:30AM: Coffee and Snacks
8:30AM - 8:45AM: Welcome Note

8:45AM - 9:45AM: Invited Talk by Pim Tuyls

9:45AM - 10:00AM: Coffee Break

Session: Hardware and Software Protection
10:00AM - 10:30AM: FPGA Time-bounded Unclonable Authentication
10:30AM - 11:00AM: A Unified Submodular Framework for Multimodal IC Trojan Detection
11:00AM - 11:30AM: A Secure and Robust Approach to Software Tamper Resistance

Session: Forensics
11:30AM - 12PM: Detection of Copy-Rotate-Move Forgery using Zernike Moments
12PM - 12:30PM: Scene Illumination as an Indicator of Image Manipulation

12:30PM - 2PM: Lunch at Rosza Centre

2PM - 3PM: Invited Talk by Gabor Tardos

3PM - 3:30PM: Coffee Break

Session: Fingerprinting Codes
3:30PM - 4PM: Short Collusion-Secure Fingerprint Codes against Three Pirates
4PM - 4:30PM: Tardos's Fingerprinting Code over AWGN Channel

Tuesday June 29th 2010 @ ICT 122

8:00AM - 8:30AM: Coffee and Snacks
8:30AM - 9:30AM: Invited Talk by Boris Skoric

Session: Steganalysis
9:30AM - 10AM: Steganalysis using Partially Ordered Markov Models
10AM - 10:30AM: The Influence of the Image Basis on Modeling and Steganalysis Performance

10:30AM - 11AM: Coffee Break

Session: Steganography
11AM - 11:30AM: The Square Root Law in Stegosystems with Imperfect Information
11:30AM - 12PM: Using High-Dimensional Image Models to Perform Highly Undetectable Steganography
12PM - 12:30PM: Obtaining Higher Rates for Steganographic Schemes while Maintaining the Same Detectability

12:30PM - 2PM: Lunch at Rosza Centre

2PM - 5PM: Excursion to Calgary Zoo

5PM - 9PM: Conference Banquet

Wednesday June 30th 2010 @ MacEwan Hall (MH) Cassio A & B

8:00AM - 8:30AM: Coffee and Snacks
Session: Other Domains
8:30AM - 9AM: Robust and Undetectable Steganographic Timing Channels for i.i.d. Traffic
9AM - 9:30AM: STBS: A Statistical Algorithm for Steganalysis of Translation-Based Steganography
9:30AM - 10AM: The Reverse Statistical Disclosure Attack

10AM - 10:30AM: Coffee Break

10:30AM - 11:30AM: Panel Discussion

11:30AM - 12:30PM: Rump Session

12:30PM - 2PM: Lunch at Rosza Centre

Session: Watermarking
2PM - 2:30PM: Security Analysis of ISS Watermarking Using Natural Scene Statistics
2:30PM - 3PM: Provably Secure Spread-spectrum Watermarking Schemes in the Known Message Attack Framework
3PM - 3:30PM: A New Spread Spectrum Watermarking Scheme to Achieve a Trade-off between Security and Robustness

3:30PM - 4PM: Concluding Remarks

Travel Info

